How to Identify and Secure Top Talent Before Your Competitors Grab 'Em!


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Social recruiting has become one of the most powerful ways to source top talent online. Getting the best candidates onboard before the competition does is the name of the game. However, social networking for recruiting is only as good as the professionals who understand how to use these networks to the fullest. This takes time and practice.

Tricks and Tips to Spot the Best Talent on Social Networks 

Here, we provide you with some expert tricks and tips you can use now to scope out the best talent using social networks and niche social groups. Use them to fast-track your success in your own social recruitment practices!

Know What You Want

Before you start any effort, you must know what it is that you really want. This means doing your talent analysis before you start searching for talent on social networks. Consider that not all candidates participate in certain social platforms for a variety of reasons. Strive to understand the ideal profile of the talent you want, learn where they are most likely to be, and go after them on their own turf.

Avoid Generic Search Terms

It can be easy to get stuck in a rut when sourcing talent on social networks. All recruiters get into habits of using overly generic search terms, erroneously thinking that they will pull in more results. Instead, go to your job descriptions and note the specifics of each job type. Then search for top talent using specific keywords and decriptiive words of the candidates you want to find. Your results will be more focused and you’ll spend less time weeding through the wrong candidates.

Book Screening Interviews Fast

Once you have identified a great candidate, get them to commit to a phone interview right away. This goes for passive candidates who may not be looking currently, but whom may find it difficult to turn down a great offer. You’ll want to learn more about these candidates and find out what their career goals are so you can shop them around to above-average client opportunities before the competition spots them.

Resumes are NOT the End All Be All

Too many recruiters get caught up in the day to day combing through of the internal resume system looking for suitable candidates. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a resume is a true representation of a candidate’s ability to do a job well. Instead, focus on getting to know candidates on a more direct level through connecting with them on social networks, and through monitoring their contributions to industry groups.

Hand Out Referral Bonuses Like Candy

Your best current placed talent often has networks of others who they’ve either collaborated with on past projects or they respect within the industry. That’s why a big part of your social recruitment strategy should be on building referrals from existing talent sources. Stay connected to your placements and invite them often to refer their colleagues for upcoming assignments through a special social network group. 

About the company

The team at Social Hire never just do social media marketing.

We create and implement original social media marketing plans that help our customers accomplish their organisational objectives and build up their online footprint.

Our specialists are a company that assists our customers further their presence online by giving online marketing on a regular basis.

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