The tool referenced in this article unfortunately no longer appears to be accessible. However as the insights it produced are still worth considering, we have left this article live so you can still see the results produced from using it.
Just recently I stumbled across what appears to be the ultimate twitter strategy tool. Whatever line of business you're in, this could have a profound effect on how you implement your twitter strategy. Here I'll be talking about this tool with social recruiting in mind, but its usefulness stretches far further than that.
The tool in question is TweetLevel and I mustn't speak of it further without first acknowledging @tonia_ries for having brought it to my attention in the first place.
TweetLevel assesses twitter users' influence on specific subject matters - and qualifies what type of twitter user they are. As they proclaim on the site, Influence without context is irrelevant and the tools they offer up (for free) are quite startling.
Now before you groan "not another influence index", let me share with you what really blew me away about this tool...
In the last couple of weeks I published a guest post called "Social Recruiting Leaders: 10 To Watch". In it I shared 5 recommendations of people to follow who are really at the cutting edge of social recruiting trends. They create buzz and ideas that others then propagate, such is the value of what they're saying.
The other 5 recommendations were examples of recruiters in various guises who were all engaging rather than just promoting on their twitter accounts. They were curating content relevant to their candidate audience, making themselves a source of insights about their industry - even if the ideas themselves were not theirs.
Now take a look at this chart:
This is just one of many free tools that are available via the TweetLevel site. What blew me away is that the 5 people I'd identified as the originators of new ideas were all classified more or less as such. Similarly the recruiters practicing the art of curating content and engaging were similarly labelled as such. If you were to throw in some candidates who are just consuming the content of others you'd see them appear over towards the left of the chart...
Now the relevance of each type of twitter user is explained on the TweetLevel site. But suffice it to say that depending on your role and your business objectives, you need to be connecting with a different set of Twitter users. What is truly exceptional about the TweetLevel tool is that it provides a robust set of people you should be seeking to befriend and engage.
I'll not go into full detail here, but suffice it to say that you can get breakdowns of twitter users by the topics they are influential about, the languages they tweet in - and with insights into the type of twitter user they are so that you can focus your attentions where they will be most beneficial. Tonia's article gives further insights about TweetLevel which explain why I consider it to be the ultimate twitter strategy tool - but it's also so quick to get to grips with (and did I mention free??) that there's really nothing to stop you from delving right in...
I'll be using this tool some more in the coming days and sharing further insights here. But in the meantime, if you can see applications for the TweetLevel tool in your business - or have first hand experiences to share - please feel free to do so via the comments section below. Have you seen a better Twitter strategy tool out there?
Author: Tony Restell
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