3 Ways to Overcome Fear and Anxiety in Your Job Search

By Melanie L. Denny

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Unless you’re an entrepreneur, job searching will likely be a endeavor that you simply must undertake.

With all the new applicant tracking systems, ever changing trends and endless competition for jobs, it can be challenging to keep your cool – particularly if you are currently unemployed or feeling desperate to leave your current position.  

As I’ve heard many folks have declare, “it is a full time job to find a job” and although it can definitely be time consuming, it doesn’t have to be “stressful”. Here are few quick tips you may want to consider if you find yourself feeling anxious or fearful during the job search process.

1. Change your mind set.

Just the mere thought of résumé writing, job searching and interviewing may have you sweating bullets. But I challenge you to consider that the stress is all in your mind. The stress levels come from the fact that you have  been conditioned to believe that you are begging for something (a job) but essentially, you should be considering the entire venture as a win-win opportunity for some lucky corporation.

Listen, you only look at job searching with a negative connotation because there are some deeply rooted issues of self-confidence. Think about it. If you KNEW without a shadow of a doubt you were able to help someone in need, would you be nervous about offering your service? Probably not. You would probably let them know exactly how you could help them in such a compelling way that they have no choice but to say yes. How could they not? You will solve their problem.

Change the way you see yourself. Come to terms with the notion that you are a problem solver and feel your anxiety melt away.

Now, there is always the fear of rejection, which is natural, but again, it’s also made up. So what if you get rejected? Here’s the thing, the more  times you hear NO, the closer you are to a yes. Adopt that mindset and you may just get excited you get to hear the word no.

And another thing…not every opportunity is FOR you. Meaning, you clearly weren’t meant for the position if they don’t hire you. Trust them when they say “it wasn’t a good fit.”

2. Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan.

Most people I come across have no idea where to start looking for a job. So, they take to the internet and apply for job after job after job…after job and wait for the phone to ring. The sad reality for many people is that this approach doesn’t work very well, primarily because they don’t know how to play the keyword game and beat the ATS, but also because there is no real strategy in place.

Leaving the fate of your career in the hands of a cold computer screen with all those enticing “apply now” buttons is not the best approach at all. What you need to do is put together a game plan!


Well, hey, just like anything else important to you (your wedding, buying a house, even your birthday) you plan to make sure things go the way you want them to pan out. So, why leave your job search up to whatever job board has some openings available?

Here’s what you need to do: first, set aside some time each week that you are dedicating to marketing yourself. Commit to whatever time you allocate to the process. Then, work on being strategic how to get your résumé in front of the right people based on your career goals.

As a sidenote: you’ll want to make direct contact with your future boss instead of submitting your application into the “black hole of online nothingness.”  Regardless, have a plan, track your progress, rinse and repeat.

When you have a game plan you will alleviate stress or uneasiness of the unknown because well, you have a plan.

3. Don’t go it alone.

Many times we get stressed out because we get stuck in our own head. Find an accountability partner, get a job search buddy, hire a career coach, surround yourself with supportive voices of reason. Find people who believe in you and are willing to push you through the hard times; those who won’t allow you to give up on yourself and keep you focused on the goal at hand.

Job searching is painful for many people, so be careful not to fratenize with another stressed out applicant. (S)he may just drive you to more negativity and depression. Instead, focus on finding folks with an optimistic attitude because they can help lift you up during the “dark” times versus serving as the company to your misery.

If you have fear and anxiety around your job search, you’re doing it wrong! I’m hosting a FREE 5-day job search challenge that will open your eyes to reality of what effective job search is in today’s world.

And no, it’s not just about finding jobs online and hitting apply…you’ll learn what the “hidden job market” is, how you can cheat the "system", skip the online application and get in through the back door.

Interested? Claim your spot here: >> bit.do/jobsearchchallenge <<


"Melanie L. Denny is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer, LinkedIn Strategist, Personal Branding Consultant, Speaker, Author and a trusted resource for all things job search.

Her "never settle for less" attitude inspires her clients to realize their true value and exude the confidence they need to stand out in today’s job market.

She absolutely loves working exclusively with each of her clients to gain insight on their personal strengths, passions, and unique value to pinpoint their distinct personal brand so they can package, market and sell themselves in today's fast-paced corporate environment.


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