How to Get Experience When You Have No Experience (Infographic)

By Philip Boschman

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Why Is It So Hard to Find an Entry-Level Job?

If you’re making your first foray into the jobs market, you may find that landing your first job is much harder than expected. One of the biggest barriers facing new job seekers is the “experience issue”. This is due to shifting employer requirements which are raising the threshold for entry into the workforce. Data from TalentWorks backs this up, revealing that 61% of all full-time “entry-level” jobs now require over three years of experience. This has resulted in a classic catch-22 in which to find a job you need experience but to get the experience you need a job. Consequently, it is not unusual for candidates who are new to the jobs market to take between three to six months searching for an entry-level position.

What Can You Do to Build Experience?

So, how do you get the necessary work experience to apply for jobs if you need experience in the first place? If you lack paid work experience, the best thing you can do is to try to build up other kinds of relevant experience. Taking the initiative to take the “experience issue” into your own hands is also a great way to demonstrate to employers your willingness to work and determination to succeed. 

Many newbies to the working world do this by completing an internship or an apprenticeship. Alternatively, you could volunteer at a charity or community organisation. More entrepreneurially-minded candidates could start a project of their own, for example, a blog or an online video series, that allows them to build relevant skills.

Nailing Your Entry-Level Job Application

In addition to building up experience, you should also invest some time and effort into creating an airtight application. Before even putting pen to paper, do your homework on the organisation. You can then use this information to your benefit in your cover letter, resumé and in the interview. Experts also recommend avoiding generic applications. Tailor every application to the employer – you can do this by mirroring the language used in the original job posting and by writing about why you specifically want to work for the company in your cover letter.

Need Help Finding an Entry-Level Job?

If you are struggling to land an entry-level job, then you may want to take a look at this helpful infographic guide which comes courtesy of the team at Trainwest. This super informative graphic includes helpful tips on how to build experience, where to find work, interviews and resumés and on how to stay motivated throughout your job hunt.

Scroll down to the infographic below to find out more about how you can crack the jobs market for the first time.

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