How to Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile to Be Ranked #1

By Philip Bryant

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Your LinkedIn profile could be the most awesome profile on the site. It’s not too heavy on content, you’ve quantified all your results, and you’ve got a winning profile picture. And the best thing? You know it’s awesome.

Yet it doesn’t matter how great your profile is if recruiters and hiring managers can’t see it. LinkedIn is awash with thousands of profiles, many of them just like yours. Unfortunately, it isn’t enough to just work on your profile; you also have to work on optimising it so yours is ranked highest. When a hiring manager is looking to hire, your profile is one of the standouts they come across.

Let’s take a look at ways in which to optimise your LinkedIn profile development.

Make Your Profile Public

This is a fundamental error that many LinkedIn users make at first; they fail to make their profile public.

If your profile isn’t visible to the public, it certainly won’t be visible to employers and recruiters.

For LinkedIn optimisation, simply go to Privacy & Settings, and make your profile public.

Add Media

Google’s search engine loves media - and so does LinkedIn.

By adding media to your profile, you will boost it both in Google and LinkedIn, and you will also be creating a more engaging profile that attracts hiring managers.


LinkedIn is all about building contacts and networking. If you’ve used the site a few times, you will have noticed that it has suggested users you might know. Perhaps you passed on these users, forgoing the chance to add them to your network.

For LinkedIn optimisation, it’s time to start branching out and connecting with other people. Find users who work in your field and make a connection with them. Add them to your circles and expand your list of contacts. Hiring managers have a greater chance of coming across your profile if you have shared connections with other people.

Be Active

The last thing you want to do is work on your LinkedIn profile development and then sit back to wait for the results. After all, you might assume that once you’re on LinkedIn with your shiny new profile, the offers for jobs will just come rolling in.

They won’t if you remain inactive for the next few weeks and months. To do well on LinkedIn, you need to stay active. You can do this by commenting on article, writing and publishing your own articles (this is a great way to get yourself noticed), joining groups and making your presence felt. Share information, interact with others. All of this will enhance the visibility of your profile.

Work On Your Keywords

Just like certain websites are highly ranked on Google because of their use of keywords, the highly ranked LinkedIn profiles use relevant search terms related to their field. When looking for a new recruit, a hiring manager will tap in a few search terms into LinkedIn; if your profile is relevant to these search terms, you’ve got a great chance of being #1.

LinkedIn optimisation when it comes to keywords is very precise. You need to work on your professional headline, which appears in search results along with your name. Instead of simply listing your job, tell us briefly who you are and what you offer. Slip in a keyword two of three times.

Your summary should also contain keywords. Make sure the text flows and makes sense, but sprinkle a few appropriate keywords in there. Because the summary can be 2,000 words, you have plenty of opportunity to add relevant keywords.

It’s the same with your experience. Your job titles are keywords, but you can also slip keywords into the description of your past experience.

The problem with keywords for LinkedIn optimisation is that it can be very easy to use the wrong keywords. For this reason, we recommend that you do some research first. LinkedIn has their own keyword planning tool - use it.

Use LinkedIn Writing Services

If you feel as though your profile is incomplete or needs polishing up, you could use professional LinkedIn writing services to clean it up. A writing service will help to complete your profile, filling in all the relevant sections, and they will also optimise SEO while retaining perfect grammar and spelling.

To get professional help from linkedin profile writers or if you have any questions, visit our website.

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