Just like a golfer tees up the ball to optimize their drive for distance and accuracy - a Recruiter needs to prepare thoroughly before embarking on a candidate Search, to maximize the chances for a successful outcome.
Proper qualification of a new requirement or job order is both a critical part of the recruiting process and great opportunity to further cement the relationship with your Client.
Too many Recruiters scurry off at the sniff of a requirement from a new Client and start blasting away without having much of a clue as to the nature of the requirement or their chances of success.
I have worked with a multitude of recruiters and account managers in my twenty years in the industry in the UK and the USA. Most recently, I was the Managing Director of Kforce's Silicon Valley Technology Practice. Everyone has their own recruiting processes and some people choose to fly by the seat of their pants. I am however, a big fan of checklists – and feel priveleged to be able to share this workflow I created with the Social-Hire community. I hope you find it beneficial - you can even download it as a PDF from my website at www.marcusedwardes.com
I have always made a habit of scheduling a meeting or conference call with my Client at the outset of any new assignment - contract or permanent. Once I have scheduled the meeting or call, I will also invite any associates who will be involved in the Search to join by conference call, including Sourcers, Recruiters, Account Managers and sometimes even a friendly Techy. (This really helps with "buy-in" if you are sharing the responsibilities for the Search)
The first set of questions will allow you to properly assess the value of the opportunity and prioritize resources and efforts accordingly. (Or walk away). Don't underestimate the power of these questions - they'll save you a great deal of time and wasted effort in the long run - and you will also set yourself apart from the competition by demonstrating your comprehensive and professional approach.
Let's continue and pursue a line of questioning to examine the type of candidate we are looking for from a skills and experience perspective:
Great. Let's add some color to the picture by looking at the work environment:
OK, now let's get some facts and figures:
Now it's time to determine the hiring process and set expectations:
In conclusion I advise the following approach:
- Confirm with the Client that you have a good understanding of the position and repeat back the salient points of the conversation so far.
- Explain briefly your recruiting process - and set your Client's expectations on submission of resumes.
- Confirm the Client's commitment to swift feedback on submissions.
- If you are supremely confident or have a solid pipeline of candidates - ask for some time in his calendar next week to set up interviews!
I'd love to connect with you on LinkedIn - I accept all invites from Recruitment Professionals:
I’ve also started tweeting recently:
At Social Hire, we don't just do social media.
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Our group of specialists are an organisation that helps our clients boost their social media marketing by offering social media management services on a monthly basis.
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