5 Myths That Are Keeping You Off Social Media

By Firefish Software

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As time goes on, more and more recruiters are realising that their best candidates have moved. Job boards still work, but they’re not bringing in the same calibre of jobseeker. Increasingly the best candidates are taking to social media to promote themselves and find the most interesting jobs for themselves. This poses many recruitment businesses with a choice, move to social media, and start speaking with jobseekers in their chosen environment, or struggle through using old methods. It may seem an obvious choice, but many recruiters have held back on social. 

It can be intimidating to take the leap, but the negatives of staying offline far outweigh the advantages. To help you get over the hump and signed up to those crucial social networks, we’ve put together a quick ‘mythbuster’ list for social media. So grow a beard, slap on a beret, and conquer your fear of social media!

Myth 1 – There’s are always people watching you.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth when you’re starting out. When you get started online there are so many competing voices that, until you get your house in order and know exactly what you want to be doing online, odds are very few people will come across you. Which makes this the perfect time for you to get used to the platform, identify your peers and competitors, and watch some of the accounts that are absolutely killing it. Only once you’re completely comfortable with the goings on around you do you need to think about putting yourself in the public eye properly.

Myth 2 – Candidates don’t want to be hassled on social media.

Ok that one isn’t actually a myth. (Curveball!) The myth is that because they don’t want to be hassled, you have no place on social media. One of the things we tell our clients at Firefish is that their personal brand is hugely important, and your social media presence is just as important to your brand as your website and business card. Candidates don’t want to be hassled on social media, but they do want to be able to look up your business if they’re thinking of moving jobs; and when they do, they want to see what you’re all about. 

Myth 3 – Everything you write needs to be great.

There are some social media accounts who can do no wrong, absolutely. But they are few and far between. Part of social media’s appeal is that it can humanise and show a less structured part of your business. Absolutely think about what you’re posting, and remember the golden rule: If you wouldn’t say it in public don’t say it on social. Do take the time to spellcheck your content, however. Typos scream ‘amateur’. Also make sure you keep the content you share of a consistent quality. Don’t share high-brow articles one day, and then post about how you were thrown out of a club for being drunk and disorderly the next! It’s great to show character, but remember that you’re on social for professional reasons, and behave accordingly.

Myth 4 – Social media takes too much effort.

This one’s easy to debunk. The beauty of social media is you can scale it depending on how much capacity you have at any time. Don’t have the people-power to hire a dedicated social media person? Share the load across your team. Also, there are a tremendous number of free tools available online that can help reduce the load even more. With a decent scheduler and an hours planning, it’s possible to schedule a week’s worth of content to go out automatically. Just make sure to spend a little time online yourself as well so that the account doesn’t look too robotic!

Myth 5 – People on social are mean.

This one is really down to where you’re spending your time. Just like in the real world, there are places and subjects where you’re likely to encounter unpleasant characters, and there are places where everyone will be incredibly welcoming. The best thing I can recommend if you want to avoid conflict on social is:

  1. Stay positive – Don’t slag anyone off, or send out nasty messages to other companies. It might seem like it would be ok to rant about terrible service at a restaurant, or complain about a late train, but this kind of negativity reflect poorly on you, and invites it back
  2. Spread the love – If you see something cool, or love what someone’s doing, let them know. Share their content and get in on the conversation. Just like in real life, if you surround yourself with interesting, generous, and happy people, then you’re unlikely to be exposed to any online negativity with any regularity.

There you go, 5 myths, debunked. Hopefully now you feel a little safer dipping your toe into social media. Before you know it you’ll be sourcing amazing candidates and promoting your business all over the web. Best of luck, let us know how it goes!


Your Social Management Guys

At Social Hire, we don't just do social.

What the Social Hire gang loves is making a difference for our clients, and we don't want to waste your, or our resources on campaigns that aren't right for your organisation, if it doesn't get your organisation the difference you need - we prefer a better approach. When your business utilises social media management, Social Hire get your brand the exposure it needs and offer your business the lift it needs to improve.

Our specialists are a team that assists our partners improve their presence online by producing online marketing on a regular basis. Our service is transparent and economical, which ensures that you get a great service and results that make a difference when you use our services.

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