Social Recruiting: How To Write Compelling Job Adverts

By Laurie Wood

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In order to attract candidates to apply for your vacant position, you need to get the word out. When advertising a job via social media the headline, subject line and small description needs to stop the user from scrolling past and achieve that click through.
A one size fits all approach can be applied, but the demographic on twitter will respond differently to the demographic on Instagram meaning this generic way of advertising could potentially miss out on quality reach. Sure, targeting tactics is a key element, however, if your job advert doesn’t look appealing or say the correct information then that will reflect on the brand’s image and possibly the role itself.

Facebook has really evolved and offers a huge range of advertising formats to fit an employer’s individual campaign goal. In this case, Facebook offers a call-to-action button which will link straight to your application page, an image to emphasise the job role, the main headline, a mini description and room for added subtitles on your post.


You’re able to fit 63,206 characters in a facebook subtitle, phew! That would almost be as long as the application itself! You need to be careful not to overindulge and only write what is necessary. The subtitle needs to say which company is recruiting and the job role itself in one or two sentences. You can expand and add a few adjectives like ‘enthusiastic’ or ‘creative’ to highlight the ideal candidate’s traits.

Your headline is the title of the job role and if there is space you can specify ‘job vacancy’ or location if more suitable.
The mini description or news feed link description is capped so you need to point out any important factors or perks,  this would include the salary, skills, experience or qualifications a candidate must have prior to applying.
Finally, your image needs to resonate either the job role or area if you feel the job itself isn’t very appealing. Ideally, images with human faces tend to get a higher CTR than ones without and remember to upload high-quality resolution. 

Twitter has a lot less to offer on the description front and you’re only allowed a 140 character subtitle and Job title. Since you’re restricted to how much you can write, Twitter requires a short and snappy subtitle, one which would highlight the job and catch the users attention. 

Twitter’s advantage over Facebook is you can tag the recruiting companies account. This gives a user the chance to learn about the company background but also use relevant hashtags to boost your campaign visibility organically. Ideally, you want to be straight to the point. Tag the company account recruiting and state the role. Hashtag any keywords and check Ritetag.

Let’s not forget Instagram! Arguably, this can be a tricky platform to advertise job vacancies, however, if you’ve done your research beforehand, you will know whether or not there is an active market.


Instagram does not allow links in descriptions which is why they offer a call-to-action button on paid campaigns, only. Your description can be extended also, to include the company name, job title, benefits and any other general info. It’s recommended you use around 5 hashtags on your posts for the best performance. These must reflect the context of your post. Be precise and make sure each hashtag adds value to your post. Hashtag any keywords and sector-related adjectives.

There’s a lot less room to play around with the image, but sometimes, less is more. Format your image to fit Instagram ratio restrictions and remember that human faces receive high CTR than ones without.


Want to know more on how you can utilise social media as a recruitment tool? Follow me here for daily updates: LauriewoodUK

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