To be or not to be LinkedIn. That is the question.
It is a question that I’ve been trying to see both sides of since reading an article on entitled, “Recruiters Say: Avoid LinkedIn at Your Peril”. Contributer, Allison Cheston, makes good arguments as to why some avoid and why others embrace the professional social media platform.
To be honest, after attending the LinkedIn Toronto event on Tuesday, May 15th, 2012 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, I’d have a hard time justifying one’s choice to avoid developing a LinkedIn profile. Here are some facts and statistics presented at the event which left an impression on me as a recruiter personally:
If you’re still not convinced of the value of a LinkedIn profile, let’s weigh the pro’s and con’s, shall we?!
Cheston does address and respond to the most popular argument for not having a LinkedIn profile, saying:
When might it not be a good idea to have a LinkedIn profile? I frequently hear the concern from employed job seekers that having a LinkedIn profile is an automatic tip-off to an employer that you’re looking. Kedem’s advice on this is: “Everyone should have an existing LinkedIn profile, but if you update it, especially if you’re connected to co-workers, it will be noticed. My advice is to be thoughtful when you create your profile—don’t tinker too much. Make all the substantive changes at once so it’s not a tip-off. Adding connections is a different story—that shows that you’re a good networker, which is a positive thing.”
With all of that said, would appreciate hearing your LinkedIn stories. Comment below.
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