Technology is developing at the speed of light and before you can say ‘placement’ there is a new tool available for recruiters.
With the abundance of Tech Companies in operation you can be sure it won't be long until your Agency is approached with details of the next big online recruitment tool.
2014 is the year to embrace the “disruptive technology” movement. In layman terms this is software that changes traditional ways of interacting and transacting.
The retail sector has embraced innovative technologies with open arms. This is due to its ability to cut costs and streamline operations. Research conducted by Forrester surveyed 192 global retailers and 65% believe in disruptive technology and confirm that this cuts their operational costs.
An article discussing this report published on Nearshore Americas by Narayan Ammarchchi states the following:
“The study, which was commissioned by the IT consulting firm TCS, says these “disruptive technologies” are set to fundamentally change the way retailers interact with and serve their customers.
Mobile, cloud services, Big Data, analytics, and social media rank highest among the technologies that chief information officers (CIOs) at retailing firms are seriously considering exploring in order to increase revenue, the research firm said.”
Read the whole article here.
The academic definition of disruptive technologies is disruptive innovation:
“Disruptive innovation is the introduction of new technologies, products or services in an effort to promote change and gain advantage over the competition. In this context, the word disruptive does not mean to interrupt or cause disorder -- it means to replace” Margaret Rouse
The best example is the Airline Industry. I remember going to the travel agent to book flights and accommodation in my youth. The travel agent was the third party broker between the consumer and airline/hotel. The public was at the mercy of the travel agent to search for flights and deals. With the launch of web 2.0 things changed, the ball was now is in the consumer’s court. You can book flights directly with your chosen carrier online and compare times and costs accordingly. Online travel booking is the perfect example of an effective disruptive technology.
Disruption equals control in this example. The majority of disruptive technologies afford the user autonomy. Additional examples include self-service web and print design.
As a recruiter there are hundreds of online and offline tools available to assist you in making as much cash as possible, you should see these as an extra set of hands.
These include but are not limited to:
All of the above are excellent tools and genuinely help the industry to perform well.
As an ex-recruiter I would agree, but there was still something missing and the process needs “disrupting”! It still takes a lengthy amount of time to place somebody and in a highly competitive and evolving industry this needs to speed up.
There are exceptional advances in technology and online trade is definitely the one to watch. Web based architecture facilitates agile development techniques. Online tools that can promote global and mobile relationships will add to your bottom line.
Collaboration is a term, which is shunned by recruiters, certainly by me when I was in recruitment. Considering this, the next big disruptive technology will be the cloud marketplace for private recruiter trade. If we consider this model, both the sourcing and business development KPI will be a minor consideration. Instead global revenue will be accessible and measurable.
Why Disruptive Technology will help You?
The Tech….
1. Web based architecture will replace manual matching. This has the ability of delivering scale to transact extremely large volumes irrespective of location. Without such infrastructure, a recruiter limited by local resources.
Mobile Marketing….
2.Over 80% of leads are generated via mobile devices. Mobile technologies allow for real time engagement web based tools mean quicker results. In addition relationships often evolve outside of the four walls of your office so why not be proactive in your approach?
Web 2.0....
3.The Internet is global; therefore international trade can be facilitated with no additional administrative effort. Plus it is easier to develop within compared to web 1.0. This means tools can be created at a faster pace and modified effectively based on feedback.
New Revenue Streams.…
4. On average all potential job placement opportunities are not fulfilled by an agency. Web based collaboration tools unlock the maximum monetary value from difficult to fill roles or job searches. Your net is wider and your resources are much larger.
New market opportunities within emerging and globally significant sectors can be obtained. Companies such as eBay, LinkedIn, Zillow and ASOS, have successfully leveraged the Internet to disrupt vertical markets with network effect business models.
The recruitment industry can reap the same rewards if it adopts the same approach.
Never before in history has innovation offered promise of so much to so many in so short a time”. Bill Gates
About the Author: Charlotte Lawson Marketing Manager at Intalex. The fastest growing private recruiter to recruiter split fee trading platform.
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