9 Work From Home Tips From The Experts [Infographic]

By Andrew Fennell

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For the past few years, remote working has been on the rise. But in the midst of a global pandemic, we’ve experienced the biggest global shift from office to home working of all time.
With the majority of the worldwide workforce accustomed to strict work routines and commutes, this new way of working can come as a shock. While the newfound freedom and renewed sense of autonomy are clear perks, working from home can also bring an unexpected set of challenges.
Whether it’s struggling with home distractions, experiencing blurred lines between work and play, or juggling demanding kids with corporate Zoom meetings, how can newbie remote workers adjust to a work-life outside of the four office walls?
The career experts at StandOut CV have picked the brains of some of the UK’s leading entrepreneurs and brands, as well as tried-and-tested remote workers. These work from home tips will help you to boost your productivity and focus to the next level:


Andrew Fennell is the founder of CV writing advice website 
StandOut CV – he is a former recruitment consultant and contributes career advice to websites like Business Insider, The Guardian and FastCompany. 

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