As a former detective, I LOVE facts and figures…they get my juices flowing. The Internet is a great resource of facts pertaining to job search and your online presence. In an effort to get your juices flowing and perhaps inject some momentum to refresh your arsenal of career tools, here’s a synopsis of facts that matter when conducting a serious job search.
On average, an HR Manager may receive 50 to 100 applicants per job opening, spend less than 10 seconds reading a resume once and likely invite 10% or less of those applicants to an interview.
What does this mean for you? It means you need a resume that stands out
from all the others and makes it clear to the reader why you’re a worthy candidate.
Over 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to search, contact and pre-screen candidates. Best time to post on LinkedIn for engagement is Tuesday 10am – 11am EST. There are over 2 million LinkedIn Groups and 4 million business pages. You are 11x more likely to have your LinkedIn profile viewed when it includes a business appropriate picture. As I write this, there are >87,000 jobs posted on LinkedIn.
What does this mean for you? It means you’re committing career suicide
if you’re not on LinkedIn! Share a full profile complete with at least 3 recommendations,
join groups, conduct research on target employers, job search, network, the impact this
site can have on career management is endless.
There are over 50 million Facebook pages. While not every company will post jobs on their business page, there are jobs to be found on Facebook. While you’re using Facebook to search for job opportunities, 66% of recruiters surveyed in 2014 are using Facebook to learn a bit about you and your cultural fit for their client search projects.
Similarly, 52% of recruiters also use Twitter for the same vetting process and again, yes there are real jobs to be found in 140 characters or less!
What does this mean for you? It means you should advance your job search beyond traditional
job boards and be able to be found in an era of social recruitment.
Your Google presence matters. When was the last time you Googled yourself? I just did and WOW, it populated over 8 million results!! Okay, so maybe not all of those pertain to “Martin Buckland” of Elite Resumes, but there was a gluttony of actual results pertaining to me on each of the first 8 pages. In reality, a future employer may not look beyond page 1 results but getting a high Google ranking and numerous mentions of your industry value, do make an impact when two very similar candidates are being considered.
Digital dirt, either pertaining directly to you or your references, may hinder your job search. Recruiters and hiring managers may re-evaluate a potential applicant after studying their social profiles. Here’s how some recruiters ranked their rejection rate after reviewing an applicant’s social media postings: mention of illegal drugs (78%), sexual content (66%), spelling and grammar mistakes (54%), and alcohol (47%).
What does this mean for you? It means you should manage your online presence, post positive and
appropriate content to promote your career expertise and avoid / remove any digital dirt.
I could keep going but it is after all Friday and for many the last day of the work week so I’ll leave you with these fun facts to ponder and perhaps motivate you to inject new life into your job search strategy and online profile.
Martin Buckland, President of Elite Resumes, is a leading resume writer, career coach and job search strategist with a global clientele. Martin currently holds the following certifications: Certified Professional Branding Strategist, Certified Professional Resume Writer, Certified Employment Interview Professional, Job and Career Transition Coach, Certified Job Search Trainer and Co-Pilot Executive Coach. Visit my website at
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