Goal Setting and the Job Search - Part 1

By John L. Nicodemus

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I have said in previous blogs that positive activity will move your search forward and yield the results for which you are looking. Most job seekers working at home find it difficult to stay focused and motivated during the low point in their careers. I have a way that may minimize or alleviate the loss of focus.

Writing "WHYSMART" Goals

Writing goals and establishing metrics motivates me to tackle tasks which may take me out of my comfort zone and allows me to objectively measure my results on a daily basis to stay on track. Lets start with the goal setting process. I am using (with permission) the Resource Associates Corporation goal setting process, as it takes the process to its needed conclusion. In order for a goal to be effective, it must conform to the WHYSMART criteria. WHYSMART is a mnemonic that stands for Written, Harmonious, Yours, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistically high, and Time sensitive.

If a goal is important enough to consciously set, it must be put in Writing. If you do not, in the day-to-day hustle and bustle, you will forget about it, only to realize weeks later that you have done nothing to move toward achieving the goal. The goal must be Harmonious with everything else you are doing. That is to say, it must be compatible with your other goals and demands.

Why We Fail to Reach Our Goals

One of the biggest reasons that we fail to keep those New Year’s resolutions is that they are usually things that others want for us. We do not “own” them. The goal must be Yours. If you are not doing it for yourself, there is a much lesser chance that you will achieve it. A goal must also be Specific and Measurable. You cannot achieve what you cannot measure. If it cannot be measured, how will you know when you have achieved it? A goal should require a stretch to Achieve; otherwise, what is the point of having a goal?. At the same time it must be Realistic. Finally it must be Time sensitive. If you set a deadline for achieving your goal, you have a sense of urgency about working on it. It will also set up a trigger mechanism for evaluating your results.If you do not achieve your goal, step back and evaluate what stopped you. Was your time line too aggressive? Were their obstacles you did not anticipate? Whatever the reason, fix it, reset and try again.

Setting WHYSMART goals is the first step in the process. In my next blog, I will discuss implementing the goal achievement process.


About the company

The Social Hire team never just do social media.

What the Social Hire gang loves is making a difference for our clients, and we don't want to waste your, or our resources on campaigns that aren't right for your organisation, if it doesn't get your organisation the difference you need - we prefer a better approach. When your business utilises social media management, Social Hire get your brand the exposure it needs and offer your business the lift it needs to improve.

Is it important to you to increase the digital footprint of your business by utilising online promotion, but can't work out how to begin?With the professional understanding of our digital experts working in your business, you can begin to see interaction, brand loyalty and enquiries get better without having to take your team out to spend time on ineffective marketing strategies, or spend money on a internal marketing manager with a view to get results that may not deliver!

We create and implement original social media marketing plans that help our customers accomplish their organisational objectives and build up their online footprint.

Our group of specialists are an organisation that helps our clients boost their online marketing by offering social media management services on a monthly basis.

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