Although the prospect of starting your new job is incredibly exciting, as it edges ever closer your nerves have a tendency of taking over and instilling fear. In order to make a good first impression on your first day in a new role, you need to fight back the nerves and put your best foot forward. Here are our top tips for achieving a successful first day.
Do your research.
Fear of the unknown is perhaps the main reason for your nerves before you start a new role: you’re wondering what your colleagues and the working environment is going to be like. Although you cannot determine whether or not you’ll get on with your boss or the exact size of your workload, there are aspects you can prepare for to reduce the anxiety caused by the unknown. For instance, LinkedIn is a great tool as you can discover the names and faces of important people in the company and those you’ll be interacting with: this will help nail your introductions when you arrive. Research the latest company news so you have an idea of its position within the industry and its potential. By having an idea of what you’re going into on your first day, in terms of who you’ll meet and the current state of the company, you will feel more confident and relaxed when you arrive and start making your introductions.
Contact your employer.
Before your start date, email or phone your new boss and ask whether there is anything you can prepare beforehand, such as any mundane but necessary paperwork or small tasks. Your employer will be impressed by your eagerness to get started and this evidence of your initiative will help them feel reassured about hiring you for the position. By completing these tasks before you turn up you will ensure your first day is as productive as possible as you can dive straight in to your new role.
Get organised.
It goes without saying that you should aim to have a good, full night’s rest in order to ensure you’re feeling fresh and ready to go on your first day. Prepare an outfit that is smart, comfortable and helps you to feel confident. Leave yourself plenty of time to travel to your new location and aim to arrive a bit early so you have the opportunity to be introduced to your fellow colleagues before you officially start your working day. Turning up promptly, dressed appropriately and projecting an air of confidence will surely impress not only your new co-workers but also your boss – it will help them to feel confident in your ability to handle the role and make a positive impact on the atmosphere in the office.
Be helpful.
Once you’ve made sure you’re on top of all of the tasks you’re required to complete, offer to help those around you who appear to have a lot on their plate. Whether this is offering to do someone’s filing/photocopying or simply making them a cup of tea, your thoughtfulness will go a long way. You will also find that by helping others, you’re more likely to receive the assistance you need from your co-workers in return. This is a great way to make friends with your new colleagues which will not only create a better working environment, but also impress your boss with your friendly and supportive attitude.
So if your first day is getting ever nearer and the nerves are creeping in, use these four tips to help you make the best first impression. The more preparation you do, the more confident you will feel and the more likely you’ll be to make a positive impact. Remember, it’s natural to feel nervous and people will not expect you to know everything straight away – just do your best!
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
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