How to Use Social Media in Your Job Search

By Graeme Jordan (CV Writer / Interview Coach / professional Marketer)

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The purpose of a CV is not to get you the job – but the interview. Then it is up to you to do the rest. Well, social media should be approached in the same way – as an initial way of engaging with relevant people. It can lead to opportunities for you to pursue via other means - phone, email, and ultimately sending your CV and attending an interview.

But how can you get the most out of your social networking?

In my opinion, it is a mixture of being selective in terms of your time and (having been on both sides) being patient rather than pushy.

 Major mistakes to avoid

  1. Asking about job opportunities before establishing a professional connection. Even if you are not speaking to the correct person, they may be able to put you in touch with the person you need. But, they may be busy with other things such as developing their company’s audience or responding to other kinds of enquiries. Therefore, employment opportunities might not be their main focus. Opting for the hard sell approach could rule you out, instead of creating a positive, memorable connection.

  2. Introducing yourself as ‘open to new opportunities’ or as a ‘job seeker’ or ‘recent graduate’ on the headline of your social media. This does not create the impression of a high performing candidate who should be employed immediately. Similarly, it does not convey any of the value you have to offer. The fact that you would be willing to consider their offer is secondary to whether or not you are suitable.

Instead, you should be telling the employer what your relevant expertise is and what your usual/ desired job is.

There are numerous ways of getting yourself seen by the employment decision maker. You can still respond to adverts and apply to agencies, and these methods could result in jobs. However, they are high volume, meaning your application will really need to stand out. Additionally, you can develop your own ways to catch the attention of your desired employer. If you get this right, you will be playing an entirely different game – a game that is played on significantly more attractive terms, from your point of view.

Of course, there is nothing to stop you from doing both.


Graeme Jordan is a CV Writer and Interview Coach who helps candidates at all levels in a range of industries to get interviews and get selected. See more at


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