Social Networking Tip: One Simple Change That Will Help You Strike Up Relationships With Employers

By Tony Restell

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Imagine if there was one thing you could do that would transform your success on social networking sites. One thing that would help you build relationships more effectively - be that with employers, recruiters, client prospects or potential business partners...

You'd want to know what that one thing is - and act on it - right? Well that's the one social networking tip that I'm going to share today - and that you can put into practice right away.


Social Networking Tip: One Simple Change That Will Help You Strike Up Relationships With Employers

Social Networking Analogies

But first I'd like you to consider the following two analogies as they'll really help you to change your outlook on effective social networking:

  • Social networking is like dating: no-one is attracted to the person who seems desperate
  • Think about social networking the way you think about your bank account: you have to make deposits before you can take any value out

Now I make no distinction whether you're looking to engage with employers, recruiters, client prospects or potential business partners. The same advice still holds true. But let's put ourselves in the shoes of someone trying to engage with you for the very first time, to help solidify the right and the wrong way to make new connections...

Imagine out of the blue someone approaches you via a social networking site and says they've been made redundant and they're reaching out to as many people in their sector as possible to try to get their resume in front of a prospective employer. You've never interacted with them before, you have no reason to feel comfortable about introducing them into your business. Plus a quick look at their profile shows that they've been putting out similar messages left right and centre.

  • Does this person come across as desperate? TICK!
  • Is this person leaning on you to help them out before they've done anything to build a relationship or help you? TICK!

This is inexcusable in the age of social media, because it's so easy to do something for others and to avoid appearing desperate. Yet it's also entirely understandable, because someone desperate to connect to a prospective employer or hit their sales target (or whatever else) can all too easily see it as a valid shortcut to jump straight to the chase. But you mustn't! It undermines everything you are trying to achieve and will ultimately mean it takes you far longer to get to where you want to be.


Social Networking: One Simple Change

Now let's think of all the things you could do to engage with employers, recruiters, client prospects of potential business partners. Things that will get you on their radar; that may help them out and start to build a relationship; that will avoid you coming across as desperate. I'll concentrate on ideas to reach out to a prospective employer, but the same holds true for sales leads and any other type of contact you might want to cultivate. How about:

  • Sharing employers' posts (particularly those of a prospective employer looking to fill a vacancy, help you provide in spreading the word will immediately put you on their radar)
  • Commenting on someone's post (be sure to provide additional insights or compliment the content, rather than asking for help at this stage)
  • Suggesting links to other resources that validate or build upon the message in the original content they shared
  • Recommending them as someone to follow / connect with if you are interested in knowing about XYZ
  • Inviting them to join a relevant group
  • Marking a tweet as a favourite or including it in your publication; liking a prospective employer's post on Facebook
  • Asking a question that allows them to share insights about their business / career opportunities / events / etc. and so engages them and allows them to promote their cause

All these actions will cause you to appear on their radar; most will endear you to them as you'll have put helping them first; none lead with the fact that you are desperate. To return to our analogies, you're now someone who's making deposits into the goodwill bank before expecting to make withdrawals; and you're as handsome as the next person, rather than someone blighted by the whiff of desperation.

What's Holding You Back?

The above takes a conscious effort and regular self assessment. Just from writing this article, I'm reminded that I do these things - but probably not as much as I'd like. But a conscious effort - and commitment of a little time - is really all that's required to start down this path of more effective social networking. Why not give it a try today. Focus on connecting with the people you'd like to connect with by doing the above things; and check every post before sending to ensure your message isn't pleading or desperate or spammy.

I have no doubt that within a matter of weeks you'll have seen your social networking effectiveness transformed. Good luck


Image source: greyweed


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