Hiring Trends & Challenges We Face Today

By Tony Restell

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What hiring trends are we seeing and what challenges are employers facing today?

These are key questions in a market that has seen companies really struggle to make the hires they need. So, I was delighted to have the chance to get the thoughts of Darren Sharp - Chief Executive Officer of S-SA Digital - on these issues.

We addressed the following topics in this short interview:

-  What are the challenges you are seeing employers face in today's market?

-  A speedy recruitment process is essential to success - what are some things employers can do to help accelerate the process?

- What else are companies doing to attract employees? How commonplace is it to offer flexible working hours, work from home or a 4 day week?


Here's the full interview. If you find this helpful, please do consider sharing this page on social media. Many thanks.

About the company

The team at Social Hire won't just do social media management. Our team work closely with your team to ensure your business sees great value from the service and that your team gets tangible results.

What the Social Hire gang loves is making a difference for our clients, and we don't want to waste your, or our resources on campaigns that aren't right for your organisation, if it doesn't get your organisation the difference you need - we prefer a better approach. When your business utilises social media management, Social Hire get your brand the exposure it needs and offer your business the lift it needs to improve.

Isn't it time to stop making difficult personnel choices that don't work well for your online marketing?

Our team of managers are a team that assists our partners improve their presence online by producing online marketing services on a regular basis. Our service is transparent and economical, which ensures that you get a great service and results that make a difference when you utilise our services. We arrange many different marketing services for enterprises from small businesses to large corporations to help make the most of of your company's social media marketing.

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