10 reasons why recruiters are using video screening

By Adam Reynolds

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10 reasons why recruiters are using video screening could be interesting

Providing job hunters with a list of questions and requirements that they respond to via a video presentation is increasingly popular with employers.

For starters, it makes perfect commercial sense to use all the advantages that modern technology provides. Video screening is now easy to organise using relatively inexpensive and readily available devices and software.

Successful companies are the ones willing to innovate and experiment with new communications methods, to make decision making better informed and more confident. In other words, if it’s available, why not use it in your recruitment process!

Here are ten more reasons why video screening is growing in use.

Information capture and sharing

Even in the slickest of interview situations, it can be tricky for everyone to keep up with what’s being said.

The initial video screening stage can help employers root out particularly important reactions, ideas, and evidence of experience. It’s then on video and can be replayed and analysed as often as necessary and shared with other decision-makers.

Saves time 

Using a video screening stage in your recruitment campaign can avoid wasted time and effort.

This is not just because you can filter out unsuitable candidates before giving them a physical interview slot. It gives your applicants a bit of an ‘acid test’ too, in terms of their motivation and commitment to work for you. Basically, if they can’t be bothered to produce a video presentation of a reasonable standard, are they really the right person for the job?


Manages costs and widens your net 

Video screening potential applicants is not always about sifting through pre-recorded presentations.

Some organisations use it as a valuable way to widen their executive recruitment search, for example, by setting up interactive video screening with candidates anywhere in the world!

This initial video discussion can help both parties decide if it’s worth progressing to a second interview, in person.



Whether it’s real-time video screening or pre-recorded responses to a set of questions, it adds an important element – the human touch!

Candidates can spend hours – and get professional help – to produce a polished CV that hits all the right buttons. Speaking and presenting information via video footage is a far more natural process that can reveal a lot about that person.


Demonstrable inclusivity 

Technology can be a greater ‘leveller’. Video screening can be used to demonstrate your stance as an inclusive and equality-conscious employer. It can truly assess individual ability and personality, with no influence from disability or some other impairment.


Tests presentation and communication skills 

The advantages of using video screening in recruitment are more acute in some key job roles. If the vacancy requires someone with a commanding presence and the ability to speak clearly and incisively, an additional test of that has to be an advantage! As does measuring technical confidence and ability.


Revealing ‘hidden’ talents 

The way candidates prepare, research and deliver their video presentation can provide valuable insights into other aspects of their personality too. This could include, for example, the level of digging and consideration they put into meeting your video brief. Does it show how methodical they are? If their presentation is creative and animated, it suggests a willingness to innovate.


Building talent hire quality 

All of the above contribute to an important priority in modern recruitment practices – the pressing need to be sure of the best fit.

Insightful and better-rounded recruitment processes lead to slotting the right people into the right roles with greater confidence.

This provides you with staff who can make a real difference to your team from day one. It also avoids the incalculable costs of finding you have an ineffectual new recruit or a recruit who quickly departs, leaving you talent hunting again!


Makes a strong first impression 

Looking at this from the perspective of the candidates, video screening enhances the application process for them too. It can show that your organisation is modern, technologically confident and innovative. This is bound to make applicants feel more enthusiastic about applying.

Successful recruitment – especially in key roles – depends on enticing the right calibre of candidates. So anything that helps to engage and attract recruits at any early stage, is worth considering.


Makes recruitment a better experience 

The video screening stage can be an enjoyable way for candidates to display their merits and a more creative and convenient way for decision-makers to do their initial assessments too.

A better recruitment experience will lead to a candidate who is already loyal and motivated to be productive when they start work.

Conversely, a dull and uncomfortable journey through your recruitment campaign could make some of the best prospects unwilling to even proceed!

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