Nearly everybody has experienced how fast time can fly when surfing the internet and using social media websites. You may intend to only quickly check your social media page, yet find yourself spending hours there. Social media can be very time-consuming, and it's easy for businesses to spend a little too much time on social media recruiting efforts if they're not careful. Here are some strategies and techniques to make sure that you are putting your social media recruiting efforts to best use.
It may be tempting to focus all of your efforts on one social media platform where you feel most comfortable. For example, maybe you have worked hard to get a lot of likes on Facebook, so you may think that social media recruiting is best reserved for your Facebook page or group. However, it is actually more effective to use multiple social media platforms.
Not everyone is on one particular social media website, and you're likely to get a wider variety of candidates when you use at least a handful of platforms. LinkedIn is where people go to put on their most professional behaviour. Facebook will tend to attract an older audience, while Instagram demographics suggest younger users. Twitter is a great platform to easily communicate in short form, so there is less pressure. Pinterest is a great place where you can use images to communicate your needs and messages.
It's important to not treat social media as simply a job board. You need to build a community of people who will stick with you over time. You want to offer highly skilled, well-educated professionals a reason to stay and read your posts until a job comes along that may match their job goals perfectly. Make an effort to create at least one post per day on each platform that provides useful information to professionals in your field, a post that has nothing directly to do with social media recruitment.
Treat everyone who posts to your social media page as though they are a valuable potential hire. Not only is it important to treat your followers with respect so that they have a favourable impression of your company, but you are also doing this for all the other people who will be watching and observing how you act online. The people you're interacting with may also be potential customers of your business, or know people that could be, so damaging a relationshio here could have a detrimental effect on your company's bottom line.
Monitor the page, too, and be sure to delete any abusive or mean-spirited comments that people make to one another. Also, perhaps most importantly, always respond to comments and questions that users leave on your page and be polite even when responding to harsh criticism.
Finally, keep in mind that social media is a necessary source to tap into when you need to fill a position within your company. These strategies and techniques can be used to help improve the way that you attract candidates and ultimately complete the hiring process. If you need a little more help along the way, you're likely to find our monthly webinar on how to get results on social media useful.
We won't just do social media strategies. Social Hire will work collaboratively with your team to ensure your business gets genuine value from us and that your team gets the most out of the service. Our experienced social media managers are motivated to make a enhancements to your social media marketing and reaching targets in a way that realistically makes a difference to your business goals.
What the Social Hire gang loves is making a difference for our clients, and we don't want to waste your, or our resources on campaigns that aren't right for your organisation, if it doesn't get your organisation the difference you need - we prefer a better approach. When your business utilises social media management, Social Hire get your brand the exposure it needs and offer your business the lift it needs to improve.
Our specialists are a company that assists our customers further their presence online by giving online marketing on a regular basis.
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