You already know the power of social media marketing for the growth of your business. Now that you have taken the step to create your business page on Facebook, it is time to grow your audience by getting more people to like your page. A larger following on your Facebook page will ensure that your business posts will reach more prospects.
In this article, I will show you 5 definite ways to promote your new Facebook page to get more people to like and follow your brand. But before you start the Facebook page promotion, it is ideal to understand that people will only follow your page if it is interesting and your business can solve their problems.
The first thing to do when creating a Facebook business page is to choose the right category that fits your business. If you have already set up the page, you can edit it to reflect the correct category. It can be a brand or a local business. Choosing the right category will help your prospects find the page when they are searching for pages on Facebook. Also, give it the name of your business.
As a local business, you need to provide an accurate business address and contact information. The information will help people to get in touch with your business easily. You also need to do the following to make sure that people have all the information they want to know regarding your business for better engagement.
Now that your page is ready and set for business engagement on Facebook, it is time to look for and connect with your prospects. Here are some of the ways you can promote your new Facebook business page for more following on your brand.
Do you already have a list of people who are interested in your business? You can ask them to like your new Facebook page. For instance, if you have had clients who were happy with your services, you can send them an email or a note and tell them to like your page on Facebook. Make sure you do it humbly to avoid scaring them away.
On Facebook, some of your friends will gladly accept your invitation to like your page. Real friends will want to see you grow, but if you have been selling stuff from your profile, your buyers will want to connect with your page after you have created it. Go ahead and invite all your Facebook friends to like your page.
On the other hand, if your business has been growing over time using a brand website without a Facebook page, then you stand a good chance of getting followers on your new page. For instance, a good business needs a newsletter.
According to this article on Business, it is the most effective and affordable way to keep in touch with your clients and prospects. It will help you share with them valuable content that revolves around their content. And if your newsletter subscribers love your content, then they will want to hear more about you on your Facebook page. Send them a message and notify them of your new page.
Using all means to promote your page without relevant content will only prove futile. Your followers want to get valuable content to help them in their daily lives and businesses. Creating videos that explain a concept or steps to achieve something can be worthwhile. But infographics sell better than any other type of content.
If you want to get more prospects to follow your page, you need to start learning design and using programs and photo creation apps like Canva to create your infographics and quality content. The deal here is not about how much you share, but how unique and focused you are. Remember the relevance of your content matters a lot.
As people realize that your content is solving their needs, they will like and follow your page so they can get more. They will also gladly share your content to other Facebook users and across the web. Their friends who are interested in your content will also like your page. It is all about creating a relationship, not making sales.
It is already clear you have people who have been using your services or buying your products from your website. You also get traffic daily from your marketing efforts and SEO. People want a way to connect, and they believe that sending you a message on Facebook is faster than emailing you to ask information about your products.
According to Facebook insights, sending a message is not about communication and inquiries. 53% of people who message businesses on a chat app say they will gladly shop after the communication with the business. 67% of people also say that they are likely to message a business on chat. When you compare with email, you will realize that people need instant access to the answers they are looking for.
To tap into these signs of progress for the growth of your business, you need to connect your traffic to your Facebook page, and a “like our page” button will suffice. Make sure it is visible clearly on your website. This guide shows you how to set up the “like” button on your website. The “follow” button, however, is deprecated since the release of Facebook Graph API version 2.11.
We know that sometimes people take a few days to open their emails. But you can still use it to let people know that you now have a Facebook page so that they can like it. You need to redesign your email template to include the Facebook button so that people will get an easy way to connect with you on Facebook. Let each email you send out have this button to increase visibility.
All social media networks work separately, but you can use any of them to promote your business on Facebook. Once you get followers on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, or even YouTube, you can ask them to like your new page so they can get firsthand information whenever you post.
Every time you post on any given social media channel, make sure you mention your new Facebook page and be sure to give a reason as to why they need to like it. Use a convincing language to make people hit that like button on your Facebook page, but do not sound desperate or aggressive.
Getting traffic from other social media channels depends solely on whether you are offering value to your followers. Nobody will be willing to follow you if you are not giving them quality content in the first place. So, you may need to polish your profiles and posts on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and other networks before you start asking your followers to like your page.
Facebook Ads is an advertising platform that can help you reach many prospects to connect with your business. Apart from pushing products and offers, Facebook Ads can help you to grow your brand authority with more relevant likes.
The advantage of using Facebook Ads is that the likes you get come from ideal prospects. People will want to know what you offer before they like the page. Facebook Ads connects your business page with people from around the globe to get you the right audience for your business.
You can limit the audience you want to reach by location, gender, and age. You can also filter them further with interests, marital status, and the device they use. This makes sure that you target the exact audience you need as per your business niche. You will only pay for the new likes you receive on your page.
Getting likes for your new business page on Facebook is easy. But it all depends on how you set yourself up for the opportunities. Staying focused on your niche and reaching out to the right people will increase your promotion results.
Author Bio
Kimberly Clark is a content marketing specialist in IT & SEO, who helps clients increase their revenues by improving their organic traffic and building a powerful campaign through Google Adwords. She can be reached via email at [email protected] and has been working with a company called Learnbase for quite some time now.
The Social Hire team don't just do social media.
Our team are a company that helps our customers further their digital footprint by providing digital marketing on a monthly basis.
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