5 Tips to Bolster Your Recruiting Effectiveness in 2015


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Recruitment is already well underway for 2015, and this year you’re going to need to step it up a notch. According to a study from Jobvite, 69% of recruiters expect competition to increase in 2015, so it’s more important than ever to source talent before your competitors.

As recruiters, it is extremely important for you to find the best talent for your roles and to do this you need to utilise all the tools that are available to you.

We have put together five things you should be looking at to be more effective this year and the tools you should utilise in order to achieve this.

1) Proactive Candidate Sourcing

Sourcing the best talent for your roles is one of the most time consuming parts of your job but one of the most important, a task you simply cannot avoid. With competition for talent so high though, and some roles in particular really tough to find qualified people for, you need to be taking a much more proactive role to candidate sourcing. The good news is that plenty of tools are now available to help you with this so that more active talent searching doesn’t need to become more time consuming or labour intensive.

Candidate sourcing tools are essentially talent search engines, pulling candidates from a variety of online sources into one place making your working day a lot easier. They allow you to search their database of candidates by their skill set, expertise and availability. Pretty neat right?

The recruitment market is very competitive. It is no longer enough to search through LinkedIn, your recruitment database and troll through Job Board’s CV databases. You need to be more effective when sourcing your candidates, particularly uncovering passive ones, and utilise the tools that are available to you.

Some great technologies to help you identify and reach out to talent include: Entelo, Talent Bin, Gild and Connect6.

2) Mobile Friendly Websites

Next on the list is to ensure that your recruitment website is mobile friendly. Many companies are falling behind on this and they are losing quality applicants. If you have not implemented a mobile website it’s time to take action, now!

43% of jobseekers use mobile in their job search, you can’t afford to lose these types of numbers. If your website isn’t mobile you risk missing out on a large pool of potentially great talent to your competitors who have adopted a mobile website.

Whether you decide to create a separate mobile version of your website or completely rebuild your website so that it is mobile responsive, there are many companies on the market who can help you. For example, Ad logic and Reverse Delta are two companies that are worth investigating.

3) Employer Brand

With in-demand candidates getting to pick between numerous job offers and companies, you need yours to stand out. What is the perception of your company as a place to work?

There’s been a definite shift in what candidates look for in an employer. It’s not just about a pay cheque anymore. Many are seeking an employer who cares about them, their family, the wider community, the environment etc. In turn, more companies are making significant efforts to showcase why they’re such a great place to work; from funky offices, to time off for charitable work, and great perks like free meals.

If you don’t have a strong employer brand and aren’t showcasing what it’s like to work at your company then you may well get overlooked for an organisation that is.

There are plenty of things you should be looking at to effectively market your company, and strengthen your employer brand, including employee advocacy, social media and reinventing your job adverts. Some tools that can help you in this area are: Jobcast, Smarpshare and Jobviddy.

4) Video Interviewing

Video interviewing is a technology that has been around for a couple of years now and something which more recruiters should be utilising in 2015.

Video interviewing has grown in popularity over the last few years and it is easy to see why, it saves time and money! There are two key things you can do with video interviewing: recorded interviews and live interviews.

Recorded interviews are a great way to save time for the recruiter. Simply send out your recorded questions to your candidate short-list and receive their answers back on video. Imagine the time saved as you won’t need to spend 30 minutes qualifying each candidate over the phone.

Live interviews not only save time but money too. They work like any other interview but it will be done using online video platforms rather than face-to-face. This can be particularly effective when you need to hire field-based people, or someone for a different office location.

There are some fantastic video interview companies on the market including: HireVue, Montage and TalentVX.

5) Job Analysis

Often one of the biggest time wasters in recruitment is the wrong candidates being put forward for the position. Whether via a recruitment agency or an in-house recruitment team, if the requirements of the job aren’t clear then the chances of finding suitable candidates are even more challenging!

A short time spent at the beginning by all relevant people that results in them agreeing what the most important attributes are in the person they’re seeking for the new position, will actually make the recruitment process much quicker and more efficient overall. Aorta is a simple online tool, that helps collaboration from the outset. It can be completed in 30 minutes, by each person who has a vested interest in making the right hiring decision. The outcome is a precisely detailed and weighted job profile. This puts the recruiter in a better position to start looking for suitable candidates. It also means that fewer candidates need to be presented for interview (a maximum of 3), saving further time for them and the hiring manager.

So there you have it, 5 elements to look at improving - with the help of various tools - to make a big difference to your recruitment efforts in 2015. Good luck and happy recruiting!

Written by Aorta, on online tool to help identify the attributes needed in exemplary candidates. If you want to improve the efficiency of your recruiting then please feel to connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ or Facebook


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