Learning to Recruit with Facebook


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A lot of talent spends time on Facebook. Well, let’s face it, we all spend a lot of time on Facebook. Not only does Facebook have the most members of any social networking service, its members spend an average of 405 minutes per month on the site. Nielsen reports that 23% of all online hours are spent on Facebook.

Facebook is a giant network, so it is important to carve out your own company space. Most large firms have active company pages on Facebook, as do many smaller companies.

If a company already has a page, its main challenge is finding a balance between marketing outreach and recruiting. Some companies have a separate careers page (i.e. Verizon Wireless and Accenture). Having a dedicated careers tab on your company page makes it easy for candidates to find your open positions. Candidates who “like” your page will easily see what jobs are open at your company and can apply without ever leaving Facebook. When your page’s jobs tab is seamlessly linked to your core recruiting platform with applicant tracking, you get your open jobs in front of all visitors on your page.

The Purpose of your Facebook Page

The purpose of your Facebook Page should be to give job seekers a taste of the workplace culture. If you regularly share industry-related content and prompt discussions, your company information will stay fresh in the minds of your Facebook fans. By making engagement easier, you are likely to encourage more quality candidates to show interest.

As they say, content is king.  Your standard issue job posting text isn’t going to work here. Your company page must have compelling content that goes beyond the bare minimums of describing jobs and culture.  Make sure your visitors feel like they received a benefit.

Building traffic on Facebook is key. First, you have to build it, but "they" won't just come.  You need to take it a step further and connect.  Whether someone is referred to your page from a Facebook ad or they saw a friend liked your job posting, you have to actively develop those relationships to increase those connections. Involving employees and friends of employees helps build exposure - as long as there is real content to share.

Join Us at #SRSC

To learn more about how to effectively implement a Facebook social recruiting strategy, join us at #SRSC.  Join us this July for the Social Recruiting Strategies Conference. #SRSC is a leading Social Recruiting Conference, with case studies. It gathers leading Employers, HR and Recruitment Industry professionals, to passionately discuss and practically demonstrate the impact of Social Media in Talent Acquisition Strategies and Employer Branding.  This July 23-25, leaders in the industry will gather at the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago to present case studies from Sodexo, Groupon, Abbott Laboratories, Chicago Cubs, Forrester Research, GM and more. Join us and network with other social recruiting rock stars!

For more information or to register for #SRSC, please visit www.socialrecruitingstrategies.com Group discounts are available.  Register today using discount code: TDSOC15 for 15% savings.


Ms. Mignanelli serves as Senior Vice President of People and General Counsel. In her role, Ms. Mignanelli oversees numerous aspects of the business, including, but not limited to, HR compliance and keeping a pulse on the most current regulations and compliance requirements affecting corporations as well as working to ensure quality and professionalism in all aspects of the business. She is responsible for all aspects of the company's legal needs and all HR. Ms. Mignanelli also created the Governance, Risk Management and Compliance summit in 2009 and more recently the HR Compliance and Social Recruiting Strategies Conferences.  She also blogs on the Social Media Strategies Blog:  http://socialmediastrategiessummit.com/blog/.




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