Setting up a new business is much different than it was, say, 50 years ago. Back then it was a simple matter of securing an office or building, installing phone lines, and getting the payroll set up for your employees. In 2017 however, things are much different. You must have the right technology on board to help your workers connect with your customers. The following are some things you should have in place for your business in order to achieve success.
To help you with your ongoing needs and keep you and your employees up to date on the current technology available, you need to have access to local technical consultants. These should be people in your area who have developed a strong reputation. The consultants should be people that you and your employees are comfortable with, who will take the time to learn all they can about your business and your needs.
Having a reliable internet provider who can set your business up with high-speed internet access is essential. This allows you to use online backup and take advantage of cloud-based solutions which are more efficient and secure. All the cloud-based products by Microsoft come with built-in security features. All of your employees must have up-to-date high-speed computers with at least 512MB of memory, at least 80GB or more of hard-disc space, and high-resolution monitors. Internet access for your company's computers must be shared and networked as well.
Hopefully, your technology consultants will also be up on the latest in cyber security. The network you use must be protected, with every computer having a firewall and anti-virus software so that vital information can be safe. Online payment forms must be secure and card readers must be up to date since many consumers now have credit cards with the new secure chip.
For customers and your employees to be able to access information crucial to your company, your business must have a website. Website developers are available who can do this, but in some cases, you can find a website builder online and set it up yourself. The website must be mobile-friendly since many customers choose to access the internet with their mobile devices, and many will choose to make their payments online, with apps like Microsoft Wallet.
The web host your business users can easily set up email that utilizes the company's name. You must make sure your email can be archived, so you satisfy any regulations that are required by the government. Communication using email is still the best medium for marketing and promotions. In addition, having a presence on social media will drive more traffic to your site and allow you to fully understand your customer base, which will allow you to develop a marketing plan.
Many companies are now accepting mobile payments by using Google Wallet and Apple Pay. This allows customers to make purchases faster and with more ease.
In today's economy, it is essential that a new business (and established older businesses) stay current with new technology so they can be competitive in the marketplace. This allows employees to be more productive and the company to be more successful. In addition, getting a degree in human resource management, or finding someone for your business who has experience in human resources will help you provide better service to your employees, and can help you with the hiring process. They can also be proactive and help the company in recruitment efforts to find the best talent possible.
We won't just do social media management. Social Hire will work with you to ensure your business sees great value from the service and that your team gets the most out of the service. Our social media experts are driven by the desire to make a enhancements to your social media marketing and reaching targets in a way that realistically makes a difference to your business goals.
What the Social Hire gang loves is making a difference for our clients, and we don't want to waste your, or our resources on marketing for marketing's sake, if it doesn't get your organisation the impression you need - we take a different approach.
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