Recruiting Employee Connections - How To Best Leverage Your Company’s Network Of Contacts

By Social-Hire

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Social Recruiting is a hot topic for sure. But leveraging employees' contacts to make referral hires is right at the top of the list for recruiters looking to bolster their results this coming year.

So we were intrigued to receive the following guest contribution from Tal Moran, CEO of Tomigo, which specializes in social recruiting based on the concept of employees referring their social media contacts. 

Tomigo - Employee Referral Social Recruiting Platform

The full article can be found below, but for those of you who are time pressured here are 3 things you can focus on to kickstart employee referral hiring in your business.

3 Tips To Kickstart Employee Referral Hiring

1. Through enjoyable competition and rewarding those employees who recommend their friends (and not necessarily, as is the common practice, rewarding only those whose recommendations lead to a successful hire) you will easily integrate the model of employee recommendations within your company’s culture.

2. Update both the recommending employee and the applicant about the status of any application. Not responding appropriately can lead to significant future harm to the process of employee recommendations at your company.

3. Post job ads on social media networks using attractive headings in order to draw attention. Keep track of the number of website visits that the ad elicits, and in this way, you will know how to improve the overall presentation of the job opening.

Recruiting Employee Connections - How To Best Leverage Your Company’s Network Of Contacts

Currently, Facebook has over a billion users, while Twitter has exceeded the 500 million user mark. LinkedIn publicizes millions of professional profiles and Google Plus is thriving too. Many people spend a substantial amount of time on various social media networks mainly because such networks create and strengthen our connections with a large number of “friends”– including neighbors and contacts we may never have met.

If we apply social media’s unique benefits to an organizational ecosystem, we discover a wealth of opportunity. Today’s world is complex and dynamic, and companies adapt to it by creating web-like network structures and having staff ready to mobilize for the benefit of the company. A well-developed organizational network allows any company to create shared value and to identify multiple opportunities for company gains.

A policy of encouraging employees to recommend their friends is an excellent example of the smart usage of a company network. Through this method, organizations recruit quality candidates recommended by employees. This leads to the creation of a friendly work atmosphere, the maintenance and growth of human resources and other integral values. Positive results such as these are the reason this hiring concept is being adopted by so many companies.

Leading innovative companies understand how to best leverage their employees’ base of social connections. They know on which specific communities and social networks to focus their recruiting efforts, and how to most effectively mobilize their employees. In order to best accomplish this, they use advanced technologies that allow employees to take an active part in recommending their social media network contacts for available jobs.

An example of this kind of technology is the Tomigo platform which creates added value through the use of this method. With the help of Tomigo’s technology, companies gain two significant advantages: quick and inexpensive access to quality applicants through employee connections on social media networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, and the ability to reward employees using tools that encourage them to meet recruiting goals, while also allowing them to enjoy the process and actively work towards its success.

Following in the footsteps of Nike and President Obama

There are many interesting examples of promoting activities through social media networks that have led to impressive results. Nike released a running app through which one can measure the length of a route and the speed at which the runner is going. The numbers are then reported – in real time - to friends on social media networks. The interest in this was so high that only 15 days after the app hit the market, the app’s users ran the equivalent of one half of the earth’s circumference.

Another well-known example is Barack Obama’s campaign for President, which made wide usage of social media networks. There was much enthusiasm involved and Obama supporters frequently uploaded video clips in praise of their candidate to YouTube, a move that had never occurred in any previous presidential campaign.

As in the cases of Nike and the Obama campaign, leading companies are now enjoying success by fully leveraging the potential of social media networks. And most importantly, these companies are creating happy employees who like coming to work.

In summary, here are three tips for recruiters:

1. Through enjoyable competition and rewarding those employees who recommend their friends (and not necessarily, as is the common practice, rewarding only those whose recommendations lead to a successful hire) you will easily integrate the model of employee recommendations within your company’s culture.

2. Update both the recommending employee and the applicant about the status of any application. Not responding appropriately can lead to significant future harm to the process of employee recommendations at your company.

3. Post job ads on social media networks using attractive headings in order to draw attention. Keep track of the number of website visits that the ad elicits, and in this way, you will know how to improve the overall presentation of the job opening.

Tal Moran is the CEO of Tomigo, which specializes in social recruiting based on the concept of employees referring their social media contacts. Contact the Tomigo team here on Social-Hire or on Twitter via @tomigo_social.


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