Social Recruitment Strategies to Learn From: Microsoft

By Lindsay Shoemake, JWT INSIDE Account Coordinator

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For a technology giant like Microsoft, what are the best tactics to source the most incredible talent in the social sphere? Thanks for its four most notable social recruitment channels - Microsoft’s careers site, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – potential job applicants have a well-rounded understanding of what it’s like to work (and play) at one of the most established and well-known technology companies in the world.

Microsoft’s careers site expertly segments its audience.
With an eye-catching landing page on its careers site, Microsoft instantly exudes the essence of all things millennial and progressive. Unlike other career and hiring sites, Microsoft has wisely segmented its site into two distinct portals for job seekers: students and recent grads and working professionals. The students and recent grads portal features a diverse array of internship opportunities and fellowships, and the working professionals sector offers more experienced applicants challenging career opportunities in all facets of the company, from coding to marketing to leadership and more. By segmenting the site, Microsoft saves its applicants time by preventing them from applying to positions for which they are under or over-qualified for. 


Twitter attracts its target audience with job postings.
In addition to being posted on its careers site, Microsoft’s recruitment-specific Twitter account, @MicrosoftJobs, supplements the company’s talent sourcing efforts by posting “hot jobs” that are likely to catch the attention of fellow tweeters. In addition, Microsoft’s tweets are definitely in line with the profile’s bio, which states, “Find out what it’s really like to work here.” The account regularly tweets out humorous pictures of day-to-day office antics and community, which lends job seekers insight into the overall feel of the company’s culture. On the day this post was written, Microsoft was celebrating April Fool’s Day in its office – with a golf cart in place of an employee’s chair. Need I say more?  



Facebook is no-fuss and easy for job seekers to navigate.
Expertly branding with the messaging, “All hail the makers,” Microsoft’s Facebook page makes it clear that they are seeking to source talent that is ready to hit the trenches and put in the effort to propel the company’s ever-evolving initiatives. The page is set up in a straightforward, easy-to-navigate way that makes it easy and clickable to apply to a job with Microsoft. The page features a Join Us tab that links directly to the careers page, as well as a tab that links to Microsoft’s YouTube channel that features videos to further pique the interest of qualified applicants. In addition to job postings, the page also posts helpful article for job seeking, like what to do if you don’t get the job, and how to apply for positions that best suit your unique skillset.


Microsoft is an early adopter on Instagram.
When it comes to social recruitment tactics, I’ve found that Instagram is a platform that is most often left out of the loop. However, it’s no surprise that Microsoft is an early adopter of the photo-sharing app and uses it to expertly entice its job hopefuls with glimpses of the company’s culture. Any given scroll through the microsoftlife account will give users snapshots of office pranks, employees’ unique workspaces, teamwork building sessions and even a few filtered photos of Bill Gates himself! 


For a technology company, Microsoft is doing all of the right things in the realm of social recruitment by leaving no platform untouched or unbranded. To learn more about the company’s recent social recruitment efforts, following Microsoft on each of its platforms below:

- Microsoft Careers
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Instagram

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