Instagram can be a fussy taskmaster at the best of times. It’s difficult to know what kind of content is going to take off on Meta’s image-based platform; if you create funnier content, will that perform better? Should you aim more for serious videos and Stories? Are you better off just taking some photos of your cat and hoping those bring you some luck?
Well, there can never be enough cat photos or videos, but that’s not the best way to give yourself a better chance of Instagram success. Here are 10 tips and tricks to supercharge your Instagram presence.
To paraphrase the Beatles, you might need a little help from some friends to get by. Why try to do it alone on Instagram when there is a raft of sites and tools out there that can help you? Post-automation tools and analytics checkers can help immensely. From tools to marketing agencies, there’s no shame in getting a little assistance!
We know it’s been said a million times before, but if you want more eyes on your Instagram posts, it really is a good idea to make sure your posting schedule is solid. Posting content at the right times ensures that you’ll catch more people’s attention; it’s not a guaranteed path to success, but then again, what is? Generally speaking, the best times to post on Instagram should be pretty apparent; you’re generally aiming for lunchtime, evening, and whenever people aren’t at work or getting ready to travel.
We really want to stress here that there is no proven way to succeed with 100% certainty on Instagram. You could do everything that’s in your power and still not make it, such is the capriciousness of social media. However, if you want to see how success operates, then why not look at those who’ve already achieved it? Read interviews with existing Instagram stars and see what their schedule looks like on a typical day. You shouldn’t necessarily copy that schedule, but there’s nothing wrong with taking notes.
Your followers are the beating heart and the backbone of your entire Instagram presence (not to mix metaphors, of course). They’re the people who got you to where you are, and they’re the people who could just as easily turn their backs on you. That’s why you need to check in with them regularly to ensure that what you’re doing is what they want. Even if you have a small follower count, they’ll still feel more appreciated if they feel as though you’re listening to them.
If your Insta pics are all over the place, then nobody is going to find them aesthetically appealing. Choosing a consistent visual aesthetic means your profile will also be consistent, which will net you the kinds of followers who like to see a unified style. You don’t need to take the same picture every time you post, but trying to keep colour schemes complementary is a good idea. Think of your Instagram profile as a room, and the photos are interior design elements.
It should be obvious given that Instagram has branched out into multimedia, but you shouldn’t just be posting images on your Instagram page. You should take advantage of all the different types of content Instagram allows you to post, including Stories, live streaming, and videos. This will hopefully ensure that your content never gets boring, and that followers have always got something new to see when you post. Novelty is key on Instagram!
Not long ago, Instagram introduced a new feature called Broadcast Channels, which allows creators to talk to their fans and followers and keep them up to date on what’s going on in the creator’s world. Being an early adopter of this feature means you’ll come across as innovative and stylish to your followers, which is exactly what you want on a fast-moving platform like Instagram. Whenever the app trials new features, make sure you jump on them as soon as they roll out!
There’s real art to creating a compelling Instagram profile. It’s far from easy, but doing it means that search engines will be more easily able to find your Insta page, and it also means followers will be more impressed. A clear profile picture, a straightforward description of who you are and what you do, and a great profile name are all important elements of a strong Instagram profile. Spending a little time on this element of your Instagram presence should yield results!
If there’s one word we could pick to define the last generation or so of technology, we’d probably go with “hashtag”. To many Gen Z folks, the word “hashtag” might even seem quaint and outdated, such is its ubiquity. Nevertheless, Instagram uses hashtags extensively, and so should you if you want to achieve success with your content. Pay attention to the kinds of hashtags that other creators in your field use, and try to leverage some of them to increase the reach of your posts.
In the end, the most important thing is that you remain true to yourself. Whether you’re an individual influencer or a brand looking to make a name for yourself, personality and authenticity should be core values for you. The last thing you want to do is pretend to be something you’re not; that way lies madness, and maintaining a facade is going to get exhausting. Be yourself, and when success does (hopefully) come, it’ll feel all the more rewarding because you always stayed true to yourself.
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