10 Ways Small Business Can Benefit From Social Media

By Tony Restell

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The infographic below made it to my inbox this week, reflecting on B2B opportunities arising from Social Media. Some interesting stats contained within - and whilst I can't see the exact source for each of them, I was pleased to see the array of small business benefits arising from social media getting some coverage.

What small business wouldn't want to:

  • Remove marketing expenses or improve sales?
  • Grow business partnerships or establish themselves as thought leaders?
  • Improve Google search rankings or generate leads?
  • Provide market insight or develop loyal fans?
  • Increase traffic and increase exposure?

Of course there are plenty of people out there who'll rubbish the notion that businesses can achieve all this on social media - and that's principally because they've tried and failed to do so themselves. While using social media is still largely free, getting results from social media is far from straightforward. So thinking you can do this on a shoestring, without investing in skills development or outside assistance, is a sure way to becoming another of those who cry foul.

What's the number one action point you take away from this infographic? Do let me know in the comments below - or tweet me on @tonyrestell

The Potential of Social Media for B2B in 2016
Source: The Potential of Social Media for B2B in 2016

Final Thoughts

If you've been meaning to generate more results from social media for your small business then do join me for our Small Business Webinar. Or if you'd prefer you're welcome to reach out for a social media consultation to talk through the specifics of your business and the markets you serve.


Your Social Outsource Team

At Social Hire, we don't just do social.

What the Social Hire gang loves is making a difference for our clients, and we don't want to waste your, or our resources on campaigns that aren't right for your organisation, if it doesn't get your organisation the difference you need - we prefer a better approach. When your business utilises social media management, Social Hire get your brand the exposure it needs and offer your business the lift it needs to improve.

Our digital marketing managers are the wizards that can give you the insight you need to grow your business. Have you had enough of making difficult personnel choices that don't work well for your online marketing?

We're an organisation that helps our clients boost their social media marketing by providing social media marketing on a monthly basis.

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