How to Keep Your Remote Team Engaged and Motivated

By Laura Birch

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Remote work is clearly here to stay—at least on some level for most firms. However, while remote work has many advantages, it also has its own set of obstacles. Employees feel that working from home improves engagement, but many are unlikely to stay with their organization in the long run. So, what does this indicate for your own attempts at remote employee engagement? Below are some of the most effective ways to keep your remote team engaged and motivated. 


Give People a Chance to Commend and Recognize Their Coworkers


One of the recurring concerns and desires among remote employees is the urge to demonstrate productivity to peers and management. People believe that the lack of visibility associated with working from home will create a barrier between them and their employers and colleagues. Recognizing and appreciating them reassures them that their efforts are being seen and valued by the firm.


Working remotely should not be an excuse for failing to recognize workers in a timely and meaningful manner. Managers must embrace new methods of engaging, rewarding, and recognizing people, as well as apply new initiatives, in order to maintain the business culture. Remote personnel must be recognized for healthy peer-peer and manager-employee connections, as these frequent expressions of gratitude strengthen ties and enhance communication. It leads to a stronger grasp of the company's basic principles, infusion of culture among all employees, and enhances the company's supportive and caring image.


Plan Team Check-Ins and Hangouts


Many remote teams communicate on a daily basis using video calls, instant messaging, email, and web conferencing tools. A voice or video conferencing call may go a long way toward encouraging group cooperation while the entire team is working. Tools for communication and cooperation, such as Google Hangouts, Slack, and Trello, are also available.


It's also crucial to schedule virtual get-togethers for non-work-related talks. There's always something upsetting to talk about at work, but you don't want every conversation to feel stressful and high-stakes. Make time for team building activities like informal video chats to keep employees engaged and enthused about being a part of the team.


Be About Health and Wellness


The wellness of your employees should be your first priority. At the end of the day, if your staff become ill, they will be unable to function at their best – or at all. Perhaps you can incentivize your employees to get outside, prepare a great meal, exercise, or develop a healthy habit. You may even launch a wellness program for your company's employees (30 days of yoga, one month of daily walks, etc.).


This will not only benefit your employees' health but will also bring them closer together and demonstrate to them that you are concerned about their general well-being. Look for methods to make healthy behaviours more accessible, such as offering a longer midday break for workouts or enabling them to leave early on a lovely day to enjoy the sun. If you truly want to communicate the importance of health and well-being, you need to demonstrate that it matters to you


Make a Note of Milestones and Special Events


Your employees need to be recognized, even if it is from afar. Because you aren't at the office with them every day to say thank you or take them out to lunch on their work anniversary, you should find simple methods to celebrate your workers as often as you can.


Is someone's birthday approaching? Send a virtual gift card to them. Did a coworker go above and above on a project? Schedule a team call to thank them for their efforts. Look for simple ways to show your employees that you care about them.


Additionally, keep your (virtual) door open at all times. Miscommunications are widespread among remote workers, and you don't want your employees to feel like they can't communicate with you, ask questions, or express concerns. Make it apparent that you are accessible for one-on-one meetings and that you will truly listen and respond when an employee confides in you.


Offer Opportunities to Upskill


Employees believe that training improves their prospects of surviving the job market transition. The pandemic has made everyone uneasy, and remaining current on your skills and training provides people with the confidence that they will be able to adapt to whatever comes next. Employees feel more linked to their company's beliefs and purposes because they are being trained toward a specific goal, which they find meaningful.


When establishing training programs in a completely remote setting, it is critical to include networking opportunities such as virtual meetings and online conferences so that workers feel like they are part of a community. Employers can also build virtual mentorship programs to bridge the gap between entry-level employees and long-term employees.




People seem to really love remote work, but it is undoubtedly true that there are more chances for engagement to drop off when people don't get to see their colleagues and managers face-to-face every day. Avoid the pitfalls by incorporating the above into your remote work management style and ensure your employees feel motivated to do their jobs well and stay at the company long term. 


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