The 2 Greatest Life Hacks for Salespeople

By Quintin Ford

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I've written about sales and recruiting hacks before, as you might have seen in my article 5 Crazy Recruiting Hacks You Should Know. And, these are great "hacks" or tools to use when it comes to sales or recruiting, actually really great, like, fantastic! But, I have two life hacks that stand out above the rest when it comes to sales, they work every time and they're the best way to grow your business. 

1) Authenticity

It doesn't matter if you're participating in discussions online or in person, authenticity is crucial to your success. Authenticity is what allows another person to trust in you. If you treat sales with a lack of authenticity you'll be representing a sloppy version of yourself. Your outreach and social presence will suffer. You're content will seem scammy. On the other hand, if you are genuine and authentic, you will attract the right people and business for you. This is true online and offline. 


2) Joining Conversations

Have you ever been to a networking mixer or a bar or a lunch line where you had the opportunity to join a conversation? Joining in conversation is how we meet new people and develop new relationships. If you are trying to grow your business or social presence, you must join relevant conversations on and offline. Look at social media as an opportunity to network with others and join endless conversations. It's like the world largest mixer and everyone you want to sell to is there. Once you've identified what conversations you want to join, authentically speak your mind about the topic at hand. Don't sell. Conversate. After an authentic conversation, you'll have two opportunities to sell. First, you can mention what you do and how it could be helpful to the people in the group. Second, eventually, someone will inquire more about you and what you do or how you can help, that's when you sell.  

Tools Can't Solve Your Problem

In my last article, I gave you the tools you need to effectively get in touch with people and start selling. The problem is, tools don't matter if you can't sell. You have the power to reach out to anyone these days, so what are you going to say? Selling is not about putting your advertisement everywhere, it's about creating and joining discussions that you care about, that are relevant to you and your business. Join lots of discussions online and offline, be authentic and you'll see how your business will change immediately. 


This article was written by Quintin Ford, a recruitment entrepreneur located in Playa Vista, CA. Quintin is the Founder of OCEAN | STREET  & Co-Founder at knw agency, avid blogger and social media guru. Learn more about Quintin on LinkedIn.  - To attend any workshops, speeches or amazing events please check out

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