We can spend all of our time on everyone and everything else that we sometimes forget to refuel ourselves. When you don't provide the mental maintenance to ensure your own wellbeing, it can be like a stalled car sitting on the side of the road waiting for a jumpstart or a tow. Getting a jumpstart is not a concern if you really need it, but most times it's poor planning on our part that ushers us into a predicament, creating the need to get back on track. The larger issue that some of us encounter is not taking care of self, making it a priority to nurture our soul and replenish what we so willingly give away that is irretrievable: time.
Taking care of self can be as simple as getting a massage, running an errand without the kids, or taking a couple of hours to read a book because that soothes our soul. Taking care of self can also mean completing the degree that you have put off for years or starting the business you regularly mention to those close to you. I've learned that if I don't make myself a priority, I won't be a priority on anyone else's list. Start now by focusing on you, be determined to feed your passion and complete a personal project. Feeding your passion is the beginning of finding your strengths and talents, which can lead to great career success.
The goal is to find something that refuels you but it should not feel like work. Update your list often and try new things. You may be surprised at what you uncover and the impact you can have by leveraging your passion to showcase your skills and talents. Spending time with yourself is just as important as anything else, and your future may be brighter by taking the opportunity now to invest in you.
Stacey Rivers is the director of an executive portfolio management office for a large media company. She is an avid blogger the author of the book "50 Essential Tips For Getting & Keeping The 'Right' Job". For more from Stacey, follow her on Twitter @staceyrivers13.
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