Will Your Resume Get You Noticed?

By Martin Buckland - Executive Career Management Professional

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(Photo credit: © faithie Fotolia.com)

If you are expecting your resume to get you noticed, there are many critical components that need to be considered. Knowing which of these will get you noticed and result in a job interview, versus those which will eliminate you from the competition, may require the services of a certified professional resume writer.

If you’re not a certified professional resume writer you may not know:

  • How many pages a resume should be
  • What font type and size is recommended for mobile devices and ATS technology
  • What the preferred format to use looks like
  • How far back you should document your job history
  • What keywords are needed to be picked up by scanners
  • If a resume is written in first person or third person
  • What, if any, personal information to share in a resume
  • Why accomplishments are key to selling your ability
  • How to use STAR (Situation, Task, Accomplishment, Result) stories to drive results http://aneliteresume.com/executive-career-management/are-you-a-star-or-undiscovered/
  • A list of job duties or a company job description will be rejected
  • How to handle gaps in employment history

This list contains only a few critical components of a professional resume. Once your resume is scanned and specific keywords related to the position and industry are found, only then will it reach a decision maker who will invest a few seconds to determine if your resume has what it takes to get you noticed.

Do not underestimate the overall look or content of your resume! With fierce competition there is no room for error as the selection process has become an efficient and simple process of elimination. One mistake could take you out of the competition. Contact a certified professional resume writer to ensure your resume gets you noticed! http://aneliteresume.com/resume-writing/a-professional-resume-and-the-roi/



Martin Buckland, President of Elite Resumes, is a leading resume writer, career coach and job search strategist with a global clientele. Martin currently holds the following certifications: Certified Professional Branding Strategist, Certified Professional Resume Writer, Certified Employment Interview Professional, Job and Career Transition Coach, Certified Job Search Trainer and Co-Pilot Executive Coach. Visit my website at http://aneliteresume.com/

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