Putting Twitter to Work for You: Tips for Social Recruiting


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At least 90% of recruiters are already using social media to find, source and connect with talented candidates.

The audience for Twitter is vast and engaged, with 500 million Twitter accounts and users sending out more than 175 million tweets a day.  With an increasing number of potential candidates spending time on social platforms like Twitter, the question remains - How can Twitter be used effectively in the recruitment process?

When recruiting on Twitter, staying engaged is the name of the game. It is important to make sure your jobs are not merely being tweeted out, but they are reaching your target job seeker audience.

Ask The Important Questions

Start by asking the important questions: What keywords and hashtags do your target candidates typically search for? What Twitter chats do these candidates frequent, and when do these chats occur? Also, what are the most likely times your target audience will be present on Twitter?

Once you have a list of useful hashtags and industry-specific chats, make sure the open positions you promote are adequately tagged so they get in front of the right candidates. If you’re unable to participate in chats yourself, you can schedule tweets to make sure they coincide with the popular chats your ideal applicants will attend.

Engage and Build a Community

One of the key goals on Twitter should be to engage with and build a community of followers who represent the right kind of talent that you might be looking for. When you have a great community of engaged talent, it becomes easier to get your message out to them and identify those who would be a good fit for your open positions.

Since Twitter gives you just 140 characters to get your message across, get straight to the point. Tweets should be along the lines of: "Hiring Sales Rep in San Fran, very competitive salary, apply at (include a shortened url)." To make your job postings stand out, you can also use hash tags, which are formed simply by prefixing a word with a hash symbol (#). Hash tags are used as a way to filter and find information on Twitter. By including a hash tag with a keyword in your tweet, it becomes instantly searchable. Try using: #job, #jobpost, #employment, #recruiting, #hiring, #career, #staffing, #salesjob, #NAJ (Twitter speak for 'Need A Job?'). You can use more than one hash tag in your tweet, but remember that your characters are limited, so be strategic in which hash tag or tags you use.

Join Us at #SRSC

To learn even more, join us for the Social Recruiting Strategies Conference. #SRSC is a leading Social Recruiting Conference, with case studies. It gathers leading Employers, HR and Recruitment Industry professionals, to passionately discuss and practically demonstrate the impact of Social Media in Talent Acquisition Strategies and Employer Branding.  This July 23-25, leaders in the industry will gather at the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago to present case studies from Sodexo, Groupon, Abbott Laboratories, Chicago Cubs, Forrester Research, GM and more. Join us and network with other social recruiting rock stars!

For more information or to register for #SRSC, please visit www.socialrecruitingstrategies.com. Group discounts are available and Social-Hire users can use discount code TDSOC15 to secure a 15% saving.

About The Author

Ms. Mignanelli serves as Senior Vice President of People and General Counsel for GSMI. She is responsible for all aspects of the company's legal needs and all HR. Ms. Mignanelli also created the Governance, Risk Management and Compliance summit in 2009 and more recently the HR Compliance and Social Recruiting Strategies Conferences. 


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